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Emergency! And what I’m doing about it.

Pictures of dust blown fields, failed crops, children so weak from hunger that they can no longer run and play confirm the bad news. The drought in Ethiopia has caused a crisis in food that is beyond anything America has ever experienced.

The Ethiopian government is trying to help, but there are not enough resources for everyone.

City Administrators distributing food in the small villages are Muslim, and they refuse to give anything to the Christian citizens unless they renounce their faith. This Discrimination is an Outrage!

An organization called New Life Ethiopia run by volunteer Americans and a small staff of paid Ethiopians are asking for help to get food to villages. Top priority goes to the children who are severely malnourished.

How can we turn our faces away? How can we not offer a helping hand?

This woman was so weak she could barely move. Zerihun, the Director, gave her two bags of maize. When he checked on her a week later, he was encouraged to find the woman was able to sit in a chair, having been strengthened from the corn cereal.

Together, we can save lives!

I depend on my book sales for my living, but I am donating 100% of my royalty income retroactive from Sunday through the end of this month to help these dear fellow Believers in crisis.

If you ever thought of purchasing a book for friends or family, now is the time when your purchase can save a life.

If you are a realtor or finance professional, grab some books and staple your business card to the cover. People value and keep books, and then your business card will be top of mind when they need your services.

$50 feeds a family for a month. $25 feeds a family for two weeks. New Life Ethiopia’s goal is to provide food for 400 families for a month to get them past this crisis and literally save their lives. We can help!

If the rains do not come, none of us will survive without help, explained a father.

If you would like to donate directly to New Life Ethiopia, more information and the donation link is HERE.

If you would like to pick up some books, knowing 100% of my personal royalty income goes to this cause, you can do so HERE and HERE.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and God bless you!

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