Land of the Free: Don’t let bad credit stop you

As we celebrate living in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, it occurred to me that being strapped with bad credit is the opposite of freedom. When you can’t enjoy life because you’ve got creditors hounding you to pay bills, that is not freedom. When you can’t get a decent interest rate on a car loan or decent insurance premiums because of a low credit score, that is not fun.

I urge you to take control of your credit and finances. No matter where you are today, you can make a plan for your future. It might not happen overnight, it might take some self-discipline, and some work — but that is what our legacy is all about.

Our forefathers and foremothers — all of them, not matter where they came from, whether rich or poor — wanted to be free. Let’s grab hold of that spirit of determination and pursue whatever it is that we need to do in order to make tomorrow better.

Credit repair is legal and ethical, when it is done properly. Others are repairing their credit and restoring their good name, and you can, too.

Harold from Indiana wrote this is an email (and gave permission to share it):

My score has gone up 89 points in a 2 month period. After mailing the letters it didn’t take long for them to respond, maybe 2 weeks. I will continue to work at improving my credit. Once again your book is amazing and it truly works.

He is talking about Repair Your Credit Like the Pros: How credit attorneys and certified consultants legally delete bad credit and restore your good name. You can get more details here.

Have a happy and safe Fourth of July! God bless America!




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